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A Passion for Film


Hi! I'm Tyler, and I have a passion for film and love to talk movies! Right from when I was little I was obsessed with movies, starting with Pixar's "Wall-E" all the way to "Star Wars" and "Marvel", and as I got older my tastes in movies really started to expand! I have yet to find a type of film that I can't help but love, and really enjoy exploring different movies! Recommendations are always welcome and reviews will be coming all the time! Plus I'm also starting to get into filmmaking myself, and have already written and directed a short film titled "Despondency".


Some of my favourite films include:


Baby Driver

Star Wars

Avengers: Endgame

The Dark Knight

Taxi Driver

La La Land


The Lord of the Rings: Return of the King

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood

Raiders of the Lost Ark

The Social Network

Mission Impossible Fallout

No Time to Die

Jojo Rabbit

Top Gun

Cinema Paradiso

Tyler Park
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